Tuesday, 24 December 2019

GF5 - Gym

Assalamualaikum and good day lovelies!~ :)

Image result for gym picture cartoon

I love to go to gym. I started to like to go to gym since Dec 2017/Jan 2018 coz i was struggling to get better performance in bleep test for another ujian kecergasan after not pass earlier one. let it be unknown for what position it is. kekeke.

masa tu juga, i was committed to follow fitness class in utc with coach pinat. it was my best class ever, coz i didn't find the replacement coach as good and creative as her. but it's okay, now, i am trying to remember the workout session and scrolling my pictures taken listing variety of workout done there.

after quite some time, more than 6 months jugak, so i am starting back my gym routine in this Dec 2019. found new gym nearer to my house and i am thinking either to subscribe to their membership or not. Because another gym spotted to be open soon, which much nearer.

I go for treadmill aje, klau di gym tu. haha. if there's no one, and i feel i wanna play with machine and dumbbell, then i'll do it. i love to introduce weight resistance to my workout.

till then, saja add one entry here to start writing and completing correcting my thesis.

xx,  al

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

PJ8 - After Silence

Assalamualaikum and good day lovelies!~ :)

Silent for awhile for revamping and reschedule my life. Takde la buat apa sangat pun, just stay relax for awhile, alhamdulillah kali ni, a little shorter duration than before.

what am i doing now? fighting my own negative thinking. it is quite obvious when i observed it. this morning i read a tweet about someone who asked about how to remove belly fat and to run faster in march 2020.

so yeah, i like his advice on dont' overthink. didn't know that overthink slows down weight loss.

some might simply said, eh boleh je tahun lepas kau turun berat, pastu kenapa naik?

this is my fun fact: when i follow a regime and it works well, i stop. coz i feel bored. unlesssss, if i continue seeking for new information to improve my regime and understanding about it.
i'm easily bored, often time i have no mood because simply i bored. if i couldn't recognize my real cause, i simply going haywire again.

so i need someone who wanna grow with me, explore something new with me, bring the best out from me, someone creative and positive.
and someone to brainstorm new idea and serasi to be with.

wait, dah kelaut post ni. back on track plsss hahaha.

about losing my weight, i am quite stress, sebab tak turun, 62-63 kg je. adoi huhuuu.
so one of punca is i had a lot of to think. so bila overthink, rasa stress, then mula nak binge eating. bila dah binge eating, berat pun naik, mindless eating jadinya, tak kisah garam gula dalam makanan dah.
so, sekarang ni nak mula dengan to not overthink. buat je, serah pada Dia.

i love fruits, now, i keep on buying buah ciku this week. loveeeee. used to buy jambu batu back then, and i'm gonna semai biji benih buah ciku and buy pokok jambu batu.

tiber i miss my kebun. huhu

next, i just read about difference between wholegrain and wholemeal. sebab nak makan rotiiii plis. hahaha. it's better for me to consume wholegrain bread rather than wholemeal, coz wholemeal still contains some traces of white bread, which contains gluten. since my stomach can't consider gluten yet, so let's make it peace from it.
puasa la kejap dari gluten, duhai perut.
the main challenge is, not roti itself, tapi all kind of gluten related food, cucur, kuih mostly guna tepung gandum, which contain gluten in it and those processed flour contained preservatives :(

tapi takpe, i cuba cover dengan makan buah-buahan and maybe greens.

harini i dah start projek semai biji ciku dan bunga matahari. so more greens to come with all sorts of vegetables.
antaranya: pegaga, sawi, etc.
funny thing today is, i bedal je beli benih sunflower tu, dah bukak pack, eh kuaci. hahahahaha lol serius terlupa mcm mana benih sunflower looks alike.
so tanya kawan, and did some google, haaa eden baru google, pi beli benih dulu, baru gegeh nak google. but i never regret buying it. 
coz from experience, when i spend time reading how to plant this and that and all the tips, i end up not doing anything pun. so kali ni, kasi redah je. 

ok, that's all.
more updates on the sunflower progress, maybe? ;P

lotsa love,

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

PJ7 - Special Post to Him

Assalamualaikum and good day lovelies!~ :)

Alhamdulillah for another day in blessed Friday.

Today is my little brother's birthday.

Still fresh in mind the moment he was born.
A little boy came to our siblings tribe.

I used to cook for mom during her pantang.
Back then, i was a great cook, if i could say. hahaha
it's so easy peasy to you cook pantang food.

i didn't bath him, since he still a little baby, so my aunty came and help to bath him daily.
it was 2 weeks before big flood in 2015.
at that time, i'm waiting for PMR result.
went to pick up PMR result during the big flood, a bit sad i can't get my kerja kayu KH, since all had been flooded. :( masa ni buat tempat simpan kunci yang ada penutup. siap pasang engsel.
right after getting my slip, rush back to take care of mom n my little brother.

we gave him name Amir Hamzah.
mom wish to give this name since 4 years before his born.
the interval between amir and third sister in 8 years.

we don't expect much, what gender the baby at that time.
since Dr scan and couldn't recognized.
so we just pray so that my mom can deliver safely.

turn out, on this day, 13 years ago, a little boy safely being delivered.
i am so happy, it is such a wonderful moment.
i was home that time, tidying up space for my mom to come back home later.
she went to hospital with my kak sepupu, which also deliver her baby in July that year.

i'm in tears from the start of this post.
i could not describe how much i love my little brother.
such an easy little boy to take care of.

to my dear hamzah,
you will always in my heart.
no matter what.
i love you.
hoping this opportunity of living here, in this dunia, helps us to be a good servants to Allah and a khalifah to our community.
You matter to me.
You are precious to me.

Let's walk hand in hand to be a good servants to Allah and khalifah in this dunya.

May Allah bless you, hamzah.

use your power as a man wisely. be a gentleman.
do good and be good.

all is well, inshaAllah.

Friday, 6 December 2019

PJ6 - Termination

Assalamualaikum and good day lovelies!~ :)

I feel ease to write today, harini saja dah masuk tiga entri untuk blog ni. kekeke

alhamdulillah, harini i dah terminate one of my postpaid number, since i ada dua, pre- n post-paid, so just guna prepaid number je.
adik tu ada la ajak untuk just guna line, cut the prepaid.
almost nak accept, but i baru ingat yang i tak cukup duit, duit yang ada ngam untuk nak bayar bil lama je. so i bayar dan balik.

at some point, i rasa mcm terlalu carefree sangat bila guna unlimited data ni, rasa macam tak reti nak berjimat.
demi nak memupuk sikap nak berjimat tu, i nak guna prepaid je.
supaya reti nak bajet duit.

my money management skill is quite low.

so it's time to polish it.

for this purpose, i also install app Money Mate to my phone, tracking my expenses and income.

bila track income tu kan, i rasa, i ni ada jugak la income tu, kadang orang bagi sebab kesian, hahhaha, ada yang dari part time job, so yeah, alhamdulillah for the income that i get.
cukup la untuk keperluan seharian.

tadi i lunch Baked California Chicken, bought from Vendors Cafe, Bintong.
Alhamdulillah sebab achieve target buat 1 perenggan untuk problem statement and for so many cross the list-to-do.

Next rewards, erm.... i would like to go for home-made salad?
been eye-ing for the recipe lately.
plan and choosing for better way that suits my body needs.

actually kan, lepas tulis in english, aku rasa macam blerghh, even masa tulis tu, mcm, ada ke orang nk paham apa aku taip. tapi aku tulis je la, sambil taip kat google, cari thesaurus ke, ayat catchy yang pernah orang/ movie sebut ke, pastu tulis sini.
so aku takde la reti mana tau. google n tulis je, yang penting apa yang nak luah tu, aku rasa, rasa la kan, hehe sampai la.

nanti aku akan baca jugak balik entri2 ni, maybe ada penambahbaikan, akan ada update section ke kat bawah ni nanti.

so sekarang ni, apa adanya je.

p/s: crave for strawbery pudding tealive pls.

xx, al

setengah jam dengan entri ni saje .hahah ok ciao

GF4 - Gluten

Assalamualaikum and good day lovelies!~ :)

bertemu lagi di siri GF.

hari ini kisah mengenai aku dan gluten.

apoooo tu gluten? gluten ni bukan nutrisi tau. dia terhasil dalam gandum cereal yang merosakkan dinding usus.

ini penerangan dari Dr Hafiz, di group fb ekzema.

last year, i memang betul betul pantang gluten ni, termasuklah pantang sos dan kicap, which is because both items have flour in it. flour ada gluten, so a big no no.
so now, i am rejuvenating my life back, and grow to be better.
semalam spend masa delete a few photos in storage, i didn't do much transformation pun in term of my appearance. cuma boleh rasa sangat sangat mood jadi okay, badan rasa lebih sihat.

gluten ni buat apa kat badan aku? bila aku makan balik gluten ni, early this year, bantai segala jenis sos yang ada, huhu, memang rasa kesan dia. cepat nak marah, mudah terasa, sensitif segala hal la cerita dia. which is total beza daripada masa jaga makan dulu tu.
dan aku ingat lagi sorang ni pernah pesan kat aku, jaga perut. 
bila diteliti balik, yep betul apa dia cakap.  jaga what we eat, even nabi pun pesan, penyakit ni punca mai dari perut. 
shows how important to take care of our perut and food intake kan?

everyone knows, nowadays genetic modification (GMO) process is world widely used. hybrid and bred our foods to get higher yield and gain more profits. usage of pesticide to the plants also affected the safety of our food. there is a company producing pesticide and at the same time produce drugs too! mind blown is it? 

before this, few years back, bila cakap nak diet je, banyak spend beli roti etc, masa tu tak tahu lagi pasal ni semua, tak join group fb tu lagi. sekarang baru tahu, kesan makan roti dan apa yang jadi kat perut sendiri. doc cakap, perut awak bocor ni, sedih weh. diri sendiri yang rosakkan diri sendiri. :'(
so, bila dah tahu nasi ni boleh makan, so i follow the suku-suku separuh style.
satu lagi, baru tahu juga cara masak nasi yang betul, supaya glycemix index (GI) dalam nasi tu kurang. GI tu kadar gula dlm makanan tu. i got the info from this:

Ayuh, kita jaga pemakanan kita.

kerana sihat itu jihad.

xx, al.

PJ5 - Tak ada

Assalamualaikum and good day lovelies!~ :)

Pause sekejap dari menulis di sini, sebab rasa huru hara sikit dalam minda.
entah apa yang bercelaru sangat ni.

harini lebih kepada nak rant je

tak dapat duit upah, boleh buat stress, so bila stress mula la eczema nak flare, lepas tu lagi stress sebab kulit mula itchy sana sini.
sudahnya apa aku buat?

aku list down barang nak beli untuk bantu pulih eczema, dengan keadaan tak ada duit tu.

sedih ke tidakk tak dapat upah? well, bayangkan dah drive  total beratus km untuk pi buat kerja, tapi kau tak dapat duit, kau raseeee? aku boleh senyum lagi ke?
Kurang kurang bagi la lima puluh ke kan.

on another side, this incident teach me to value my money, to take good care and good spending later.
sebelum ni, duit ada, berjimba sakan, so bila dah short duit macam ni, baru tahu erti perit, baru tahu penat tu macam mana.
baru faham nak letak macam mana semua benda jadi ni kehendak Allah jua.
baru tahu Allah bagi ujian melalui hamba Dia
baru sedar hidup bertuhan ni macam mana, macam mana nak letak kebergantungan kat Allah semata.
baru reti nak pujuk diri sendiri yang Allah ada, dan semua ni dalam perancangan Allah.

banyakkan baca terjemahan alquran al, lebihkan.
moga Allah terangkan hati kau, al.

urus emosi, stabilkan spiritual dan kuatkan fizikal mu .

inshaAllah all is well.

xx, al.