Assalamualaikum and good day lovelies!~ :)
Alhamdulillah, done donate blood for this year on 19/11/19. what a nice date, huh? heheh
often i failed to get donated, either my hb or my bp is low.
this time, i ate meat and doing aerobic exercise before the day, hence that help kot kan.
since ada 3 bulan lagi for next donation, so i would like to reduce my weight, get toned body and get fit as well as maintain weight to <55 kg. hew hew. let's do this!
so, i start with calorie deficit last monday 18/11, though it might not seems so deficit, since i ate burger before bed. sigh.
but, i pujuk myself, i exercised 2 times, so hopefully, the burning calories mechanism helped me during my sleep. ah gitu. haha
on 19/11, i try to reduce my rice intake and take a lot of protein. another burger in and half balang jeruk. so sedap ok jeruk tu, till i didnt realize i finish up to half! hahaha
follow exercise from body project yt channel, i chose beginner level video je, but its so damn hard! hahaa. moving to the last, i move slower, and keep on marching je. love this channel since the coach is sooo encouraging, just do it, even you just marching, katanya.
dan blog ni pun saje je nak hidupkan balik, aci taip je la hahah. x kuasa nak taip cecantik lagi. buat je la kan, nanti nanti perkemaskan lagi.
pendekatan kali ni lebih menyeluruh, lebih holistic.
tapi tak research banyak lagi, just buat je guna setakat mana yang tahu dan ada.
appreciate what we have, kan?
since my skin is dry, eczema some more, so i choose to eat healthy.
back to no sauces here and there. no sugar and salt.
sigh, it's bit tricky since it is sooooo hard to do it.
i get used to eat all those back in this one year.
sedikit kuciwa la sebab pi makan balik segala triggering food tu.
but it's okay.
we learned from mistakes anyway.
there will be more mistakes to be done soon, in this journey of reduce weight and get fit kan?
so layan je la, belajar belajar.
so yeah, pagi ni breakfast dengan nasi putih dan telur dadar je, fried with min amount of oil.
belum sempat stock up vege yet.
will up my entries more later, hahah ada ke yang nak baca ni?
cheers, adios.
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