Sunday, 24 November 2019

GF3 - Seafood

Assalamualaikum and good day lovelies!~ :)

Me (A): Doktor, Saya kena pantang seafood ka? Tak boleh nak makan seafood ka doc?

Doc: Siapa cakap tak boleh? Boleh saja, makan saja. yang penting makan real food, no processed food.

A: *mata bersinar* eh boleh ka doc? Means saya boleh makan real and fresh food. fresh food means? seafood yang baru naik ka?

D: Yep, real and fresh food.

A: Oh yaaaa. sebab depa preserve seafood tu dulu sebelum pasarkan. ok ok faham.

I was so stress with my food, bayangkan orang lain boleh makan sedap sedap seafood; ketam , udang kerang, siput, sotong, while me watching from far je. sedih kan.

and after i heard doc said so, i made a plan, ajak mom and dad beli seafood fresh kat LKIM, tempat ikan ikan segar baru naik. Kat sana, i saw few uncles put something from a bottle to the fresh fishes dalam tank besar tu. Wait, what is it? oh yaaaaaa, it's formaldehyde la kan, to preserve the freshness of fish before reaching the customers.

now, another puzzle found.

we bought a few type of fishes and some squid and crab yang memang betul betul baru naik, put some ice and back home. I ate those squid and crab and alhamdulillah, no rashes, no itchy, no side effects after eating! i observed it in a week. nothing, and now i know, if i crave to eat seafood, i need to buy them fresh! Weehuuuuu *drumroll*

Before this, i'm quite stress about my food intake. after this incident, i am so happy and understand how eating fresh and real food can heal my skin.

i am thinking to share about eating in my next entry. see ya!

be real and fresh,

p/s: idk, sentence structures untuk entry ni rasa macam ke laut je. so nanti je la i edit bagi ok sikit hahaha. k ciao.

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